Hand Salves Save the Day

Dry hands? Here are MADE SAFE’s tips for keeping your hands in good condition.

COVID-19 has us washing our hands more than ever. Soap up, sing, rinse, dry – repeat – All. Day. Long. Here at MADE SAFE, though our team is spread out across the country, we are all washing our hands like it’s our job. We’ve covered proper handwashing and how to find safer soap options and hand sanitizers in the past, so our team has already sourced ecosystem-safe soaps. But like us, you are probably quickly realizing the toll all of this handwashing takes on your skin. 


Frequent handwashing, though necessary, dries out hands and makes them more prone to cracking and bleeding. Read on for tips to help prevent your hands from drying out as quickly, and discover how to care for your hands when they, inevitably, get dry.

Tips to care for your hands:

  1. Simple soap works magic without the harsh chemicals lurking in conventional hand soaps. Plain soaps are just as effective and omit the nasty stuff that can contribute to the drying effects of handwashing.
  2. Wear gloves when using harsh cleaners and detergents and/or performing scrubbing jobs.
  3. Constant washing strips skin of natural protective oils and disrupts the skin’s microbiome. Reach for products that will help support your skin’s microbes such as Mother Dirt’s AO+ Mist Probiotic Spray.
  4. Moisturize regularly and preventatively. It is much easier to protect skin in the first place than to attempt to repair broken skin. Use a heavy, enriching balm without harsh chemicals (see below for MADE SAFE recommendations). Moisturizers containing ingredients with soothing properties, such as aloe vera, can be a great place to start.
  5. If you do get cracks in your skin, cover them immediately with a protective balm (and a bandage if need be).
  6. Hydrate. While it may sound counter-intuitive, if you can keep skin hydrated from the inside out, that’s one of the best ways to prevent dry skin issues in the first place.

During drying times, these MADE SAFE certified moisturizers & oils come to the rescue!

Hand (and body) balms for heavy-duty care:

Moisturizers and all-purpose maintenance care:
  • Kosmatology (especially soothing for sensitive, irritated skin)

Oils for an alternative to balms and creams:

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